Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Johari Window

The "open" window of the Johari Window would contain several things anyone who has spent some time with me would find blatantly obvious. My name being an easy one. My massive, almost fanatic interest in cars and motorsport is. Another one, depending on who the other is, is that I sometimes tend to fall behind on my homework.

The "blind" quadrant is for the things that you know, but I do not. For example, sometimes, when I talk to someone, such as my parents, or any such figure, I tend to speak in a rather quiet voice. I do not realize this, however, until I'm told to speak up. Often, I thought that it was loud enough enough for the other person to hear. Even then, I may still be too quiet to hear correctly.

The "hidden" quadrant is the things I know, but you don't. A good example would be my favorite Formula One teams. Until now, I've never mentioned this in a public area/medium/conversation. Now, with my saying that I'm a fan of BMW-Sauber, the former Minardi team, and both Red Bull teams (Red Bull Racing and Scuderia Toro Rosso (itself formed when Red Bull bought Minardi), this tidbit is no longer hidden, and now enters the "open" quadrant. This also includes the things I will only reveal to people I feel comfortable enough to do so with.

The "unknown" quadrant is the things neither of us know. Sometimes, the things here can create a new awareness for the person in question. For example, I don't like speaking in public, and I generally prefer to be alone with my thoughts (or, preferably, a book or computer). However, in a more calm and trusting atmosphere (an internet forum, for example) I find that communicating is less daunting. (Anonymity may also play a part, but let's ignore that)